
We are Intaconnected. A next generation strategic advisory that helps business and finance leaders overcome the most critical challenges companies face when engaging with sustainability.

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Why we exist.

As companies around the world start to engage with the transition effort needed to rebalance our climate and biosphere there is still an overwhelming uncertainty as to what to do and how to do it. Most sustainability initiatives fail.

We exist to help business and finance leaders deliver credible, science aligned action - and beyond that, unlock the many business benefits of embedding true sustainability at the heart of their organisation.

Net Positive is where an organisation contributes more value into society, the environment and the global economy, than it takes out. It is the universal baseline for defining true sustainability.
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A Pathway to Net Positive.

Our innovative suite of consultancy solutions (modules) is designed to help you drive, plan and implement a market leading sustainability, ESG or impact strategy. Whatever your industry, position or the stage you are at, our modular solutions are here to support you at every step of your journey.

An allegorical depiction of a company being activated

Engage your stakeholders and develop the knowledge, mindset and skills key to your success.


Identify your business risks and opportunities, and map your entire transition strategy.


Find and integrate the best partners, assets and tools needed to meet your objectives.

In safe hands.

Our collective brings together pioneers in the field of corporate sustainability, impact and ESG. We also collaborate with a wide network of interdisciplinary, global partners to deliver the industry specific advice, content and tools you need to start or accelerate your journey.

Deeply connected.

The result of three years of dedicated research, our full spectrum Three Pillars framework integrates all the key targets and reporting standards for climate, Nature and society into a single user friendly tool. We help you streamline and future-proof all your sustainability/ESG activities. 

With the research support of individuals at:

Brands we work with.

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tailored solutions: